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Junior/Senior Year  Comprehensive Package

Package Includes

  • Student portal established on CustomCollegePlan where advisor will communicate with student, post timeline items and create to-do lists, and suggested college lists.

  • Four inventories (Personality, Intelligences, Skills, and Learning/Productivity) to assist in identifying careers and college majors that best suit the student with results available on CustomCollegePlan.

  • High school course selection advising for maximum impact

  • Extra-curricular planning

  • Admissions testing strategy

  • Summer program guidance

  • College exploration based on student selected criteria

  • Development of a balanced college list to include safety, target and reach colleges.

  • College visit guidance

  • Personal statement and essay development

  • College application process - application deadlines and requirements for each school

  • Letter of recommendation guidance

  • Interview prep

  • Financial aid guidance

  • Scholarship research support

  • Admission offer management


Free consultation

First $500 due on signing of agreement

Monthly payments available

Final payment September 1 of senior year

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